Monday, October 27, 2008

Coming Soon!

Today, Michael and I went to the doctor to check up on Thatcher. We had our 36 week, that's right, 36 week, as in 4 weeks or less till he arrives, ultrasound. Here are some pictures of him. Use your imagination and hopefully you will be able to see his face. We did not have pictures of Brenton at this point, because he was face down so all we saw was the back of his head. Thatcher's pictures show his profile with his arm over his eyes. The other shows his lips and nose. You can see that he has his lips puckered, Michael said he probably had just finished sucking his thumb! They are estimating he weighs about 6 lbs 4 oz. If he goes full term that means he will probably be over 8 lbs. We were glad to see that he is growing well and that he is still a boy (she confirmed that today).

1 comment:

Greene Family Gab said...

Such a miracle! I am sooo excited for you guys!